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The Global Sourcing and Cloud Summit

We are witnessing a whole new era in sourcing strategy for IT and Business Process. While it has taken longer than we anticipated for web services and a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to become a practical reality, the impact is proving to be quite extraordinary. The benefits of this shift can be truly game changing – business agility through faster outcomes, less capital investment, greater flexibility, escape from the treadmill of software version upgrades, and a technology catalyst for introducing business process best practices.

The resulting migration from a small number of large suppliersto a large number of small suppliers, and from on-premises to off-premises hosting / applications / processes is quite counter-cultural for those corporate CIOs set on a strategy of vendor simplification and commonality. It is already clear that there will be winners and losers.

The losers will be those who focus on cost minimization and a dogma of standardization – they will be ostracized by the business as mere controllers, as they pursue an agenda of crushing “shadow IT” at a much greater cost to the business than the relatively insignificant savings in the IT budget. The winners will be those who can leverage best-in-class niche components to become enablers of rapid & agile business outcomes. This levels the playing field, because large-cap companies no longer have an unfair advantage of scale, affordability, and the pick of the best vendors. Now mid-cap and small-cap companies can compose products & services far faster than their bigger rivals, by orchestrating niche Cloud solutions.

But in this new normal of embracing complexity, the buyer has to be even smarter than ever before – orchestrating multiple suppliers is not a normal skill among IT professionals. And of course there are lots of technical, compliance and human challenges in getting this transition right, not the least of which are the security and sovereignty of your data.

This is where the Global Sourcing & Cloud Summit can make a real difference — by enabling buyers and sellers of services to meet each other, and by encouraging experts to share insights in a friendly environment. Winners don’t have to invent great ideas, they just have to be well networked to understand the realm of the possible, and be visionary enough to see how the pieces fit together. We expect the 2016 event to bring you lots of these insights!                                                                                        

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