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Jul 7, 2016

iMerit - Human-Empowered Computing

iMerit delivers on-demand digital data services while bringing youth to the center of the new economy.

From machine learning to sentiment analysis, there is a huge need for human assistance to enable advanced computing capabilities. iMerit meets these need through the provision of on-demand digital data services to global companies, while creating digital jobs in underserved communities.

On-Demand Digital Data Services

iMerit delivers on-demand digital data services while effecting positive social and economic change. We train and employ marginalized youth and women in IT jobs, and provide some of the most sought after data services such as data enrichment, content creation, and machine learning services. iMerit is a privately-held international company with operations in Palo Alto, CA and Kolkata, India. Funders include Omidyar Network, Khosla Impact, and the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation. iMerit is led by CEO Radha Basu, who led the IPO of and who was General Manager of Hewlett Packard’s $1.5 billion channel business. iMerit’s President DD Ganguly is a serial entrepreneur who founded and sold two software companies to global software corporations.

Our Team

iMerit’s leadership team brings decades of senior management experience with leading global technology companies, and is deeply committed to improving livelihoods via technology careers. Our employees combine business intelligence with social consciousness. We work hard to deliver on our clients’ needs with high-grade services, while generating positive impacts for local communities.

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